The 8th Fijnwyn Food & Wine Festival will be held on 16 June 16 and we are going with reds…
You will be able to taste some red wines & ports from some of the top South African estates.
We will create an ideal setting for families to enjoy a day where they can feast their senses on wine, food, music and the beautiful setting of Shokran. Food stalls will range from Pulled Pork, Bunny chows, Mexican, Cheeses, Olives and even some Red Wine Chocolate cake, gourmet pancakes & ice cream
There will be some live music as well as entertainment for the kids in the KIDSZONE
This is an event not to be missed so get your tickets online at
Because of the enormous interest we have decided to only put out a certain amount of tickets and once this is sold out there will be no tickets available at the gates, so please book your tickets well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Gates open at 10h00 and close at 18h00 and wine tasting can be done between 10h00 and 17h00.
The cost is R150 per adult per day and R50 per child per day (aged 12-18), Kids under 12 are free.
The entrance ticket includes a wine tasting glass with tastings at all the wine estates.
There will also be limited Fijnwyn merchandise for sale that you will not want to miss out on...
For more information like our Facebook page
Performing live - Len Muller
Len Muller - voorheen bekend as die voorsanger van die alternatiewe rock groep DieFoute – het aan die einde van 2011 besluit om ‘n solo loopbaan aan te pak. Hy het Richardsbaai vir Pretoria se liggies verruil en oor ‘n tydperk van drie jaar sy oorspronklike material geskryf. Len se eerste EP Album getiteld, Len Muller, is in 2012 by Wynand Delport produksies opgeneem en dieselfde jaar nog uitgereik.
Performing Live - Rembrandt van Rijn
Rembrandt van Rijn is ‘n vars, nuwe akoestiese band wat ‘n musikale rewolusie wil begin deur meer gesofistikeerde, soms kontroveriële musiek met gevoel en betekenisvolle lirieke aan die breë publiek bekend te stel. Rembrandt van Rijn het in 2014 amptelik die lig gesien maar is die vrug van ‘n organiese proses, die saadjie waarvan jare gelede al geplant is. Die groep bestaan uit twee vriende, Phillru van Achterbergh en Pieter Erasmus, wat op universiteit ontmoet het waar albei eers drama studeer het. Gou het hulle besef hulle deel dieselfde visie as dit by musiek kom, en so ook die liefde vir nuwe die skep van musiek wat grense verskuif.
Elmé is an artist, best described as "The complete package”. 29 year old Singer, songwriter, musician, finds her inspiration from genres such as: Blues, Country, Folk and Pop. Enjoys playing guitar, ukulele, percussion and in the process of adding saxophone to her instrument list. Her own compilations can best be described as "Modern Pop Country". You might also recall this familiar face, as she toured extensively on the Barnyard circuit, after completing, her Musical Theatre degree in 2007, in productions such as: "Hot Chocolate" - 2009, "Dancing Queen"- 2009-2010, "Super Troopers" - 2010-2011,
"Thank you for the music" - 2014, "Bonfire hearts” - 2015, "Those were the days” - 2015 .
She was part of a National singing competition on Groot Fm. She went on to compete in the semi-final and final where she blew everyone away and won the competition. In doing so she has won several prizes.
This young star leaves audiences in awe of her talent, skill, personality and out of their seats cheering for more. She released her Brand new Single and Music video recently: Composed and Written by this talented artist, Elmé, “Jy is alles”.